One Patient’s Journey to Breathing Easier
- Author: Laura Cole
- Date Submitted: Jul 10, 2023
- Category: Community

“ Laura Cole’s Pulmonary Rehabilitation journey began back in July after she and her husband tested positive for COVID-19. The virus impacted both Laura and her husband profoundly – with her husband spending two weeks in the ICU and Laura experiencing breathing problems herself ever since.”
Frustrated with her respiratory complications, Laura sought help. Having witnessed what Pulmonary Rehab did for both her husband and another family member, Laura decided to give the McKenzie Health System program a try in hopes of improving her quality of life.
After completing phase two of the Pulmonary Rehab program, she was noticing so much improvement she enrolled in phase three, which is an extra phase offered to patients who want to continue their exercises and breathing techniques in a setting that offers monitoring. Laura continued to notice significant changes in her breathing. Having gone through two knee surgeries and bariatric surgery as well, Laura credits McKenzie’s Pulmonary Rehab and Aqua Aerobics programs with her restored lung function as well as the role they played in her weight loss journey, having lost over sixty pounds to date.
One of her favorite aspects of the Pulmonary Rehab program is the group setting, which embraces the opportunity for peer support and the chance to meet others with the same or similar condition. Regaining and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is a group effort – it starts with the person taking control of their choices, partnering with trusted providers, and taking advantage of programs and activities in the area to help establish healthy habits.