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Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation Helps Community Members Regain Control of Their Health

Cardiac rehabilitation is a program geared to individuals recovering from a heart attack, heart surgery or other forms of heart disease. It is designed to improve cardiovascular health and prevent future heart issues through exercise training, education for heart-healthy living, and counseling to reduce stress.

During cardiac rehab, team members work together to develop an individualized program of education and instruction to meet each patient’s needs. They also offer support and encouragement, helping patients achieve their health goals without the worry of overdoing it. McKenzie offers a three-phase program that benefits patients from right after a cardiac event, through recovery, and for as long as the patient feels monitored physical activity is necessary.

“We are thrilled to be providing these programs at our Hospital Campus in Sandusky,” shares Erin Lipka, Cardiopulmonary Manager at McKenzie Health System. “Participants in the program can take an active role in improving their health. It’s a privilege to help them through the recovery process and a joy to watch them improve as the weeks go by.”

Cardiac rehab is one of the best things you can do for your heart following a cardiac event. Not only will you learn how to exercise safely, eat better, lose weight, and live a healthier life, but you’ll also benefit from the feeling that you don’t need to face heart disease alone. The camaraderie and emotional support experienced in this setting will allow you to share experiences, learn skills, and change habits that will help lead you on the path to better health. This will help give you the self-confidence to continue the recovery process.

Some of the most common aspects of a cardiac rehab program include:

· Teaches strategies to deal with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking, obesity,

diabetes, and inactivity

· Develops a safe exercise routine that can be continued at home

· Establishes a healthy diet, which promotes weight control and lowers cholesterol

· Provides resources to help smokers conquer their habit

· Demonstrates stress management and relaxation techniques

Research has shown that cardiac rehabilitation programs can improve recovery time and overall cardiac health. They may also reduce the risk of future heart problems and cardiac events.

Pulmonary rehabilitation is an evidence-based, multi-disciplinary, and comprehensive intervention for patients with chronic respiratory disease. Integrated into the individualized treatment of the patient, pulmonary rehab is designed to reduce symptoms, optimize functional status, increase participation, and reduce healthcare costs by stabilizing or reversing systematic manifestations of the disease. Our pulmonary rehab program at McKenzie Health System offers the best option for patients with symptomatic, chronic airflow diseases. It does not reverse or stop the progression of the disease; however, alleviating symptoms can benefit overall health and improve quality of life.

The program includes three phases of monitored and supervised exercises and thorough education about your pulmonary condition, control of symptoms, medications, and oxygen. Patients learn stress reduction and/or management techniques, undergo nutritional guidance, and receive exercise counseling and training. Exercise increases ventilation and perfusion to meet your body’s demands. Training of respiratory-related muscles can improve exercise tolerance and oxygen utilization. When combined with education, smoking cessation, and proper medication use, pulmonary rehabilitation offers the best treatment option for patients with symptomatic pulmonary diseases.

McKenzie’s Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation offers flexible scheduling, endless support, and a peace of mind while exercising for anyone with cardiac history and pulmonary diagnosis. Talk with your primary care provider if you feel you would benefit from this life changing program or visit our website for more information.