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We make it a priority to provide opportunities for the community to learn about living a healthy lifestyle and about specific health conditions. At times, knowing symptoms of a crisis, such as a stroke and a heart attack, and knowing what to do, can make a life changing difference.

Check out the information below and then test your knowledge with the quizzes below and be entered to win one of several great prizes. Winners are drawn each month.

With both strokes and heart attacks, the sooner treatment is sought, the better the outcomes. Time is brain. Time is muscle.

About strokes:

When should someone seek medical attention to receive medication? Patient must meet certain criteria that will be determined by the ED provider. Patient must also seek medical attention within 4.5 hours or less from symptom onset.

What is the medication used for stroke patients? There are two different medications. McKenzie uses TNK (tenecteplace) this medication is given in the IV, purpose is to dissolve the blood clot. TNK has been proven to have better patient outcomes compared to the other.

The importance of quick action

Things you should know

Stroke Awareness Quiz

About heart attacks:

Common heart attack warning signs

What are the warning signs of a heart attack

Heart Attack Awareness Quiz